Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The First Nine Months

Baby: the first nine months
1. When Does a baby:
a)begin to move - in 10 weeks
b)open its eyes - in 26 weeks
c)begin to kick its mother so that she notices - in 18 weeks
2. When is the baby:
a)as long as a finger nail - in about 1 and a half weeks
b)as long as your foot? - in about week 18-20
3. Babies which are born early are kept warm in incubators. Why?
Because the fat to keep babies warm are made in week 34, just a bit before its supposed to be born, so if it's born early it won't have that fat to keep the baby warm.
4. We don't have to do
5. Try to find our: why girls should be given injections to prevent them from getting German measles
Because it will prevent them from getting German measles, because German measles are a disease running in blood of women.

Growing up: non-human animals
1. Which two thing do all the growing embryos need?
- oxygen
- food
2. How does:
a) A frog embryo - Oxygen just diffuses in from the air and water around
b) A human embryo - Oxygen comes from the mothers blood
get the oxygen it needs?
3.a) What is the yolk's job in the egg?
The yolk in the eggs give the embryos all the food it needs.
3.b) As the chicken grows, the egg's yolk gets smaller. Why?
Because the chicken eats the yolk
4. Make lists of animals which grow:
a) Inside the mother
- Mammals e.g dolphins
- Humans
b) Inside eggs which the mother lays
- insects
- amphibians
- birds
- reptiles
5. Which animals produce embryos that grow into larvae?
caterpillars, maggots, and tadpoles
6. Try to find our: how lizard embryos grow.
They grow in eggs

Agenda 15/06/2010

- Watch the miracle of life on development
- Homework Questions on Development
Due Tomorrow

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Agenda 09/06/2010

- Learn how our cells are made/learn how our sex cells are made
- Learn how our genes are passed to the next generations

Monday, June 7, 2010

Agenda 07/06/2010

- Pass Back Tests
- Pass Back Homework
- Go Over Seeds and How Plants Grow

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Agenda 03/06/2010

- Turn in Homework
- Do Flower Dissections

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Agenda 02/06/2010

- Go on aphid hunt by going out and collecting and examining the sexual organs of flowers
- Take notes on the structure of flowers
- Do flower lab/Do not lose

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Agenda 01/06/2010

- Finish taking notes
- Read Wikipedia -> Aphids
- Read Wikipedia -> Angler Fish
- Watch Videos on Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
- Go Collect Aphids