Monday, April 12, 2010

How can you improve your MYP grade next term?

I need to get a higher mark on criteria D especially. I did get a seven for term 1 and probably 2 from what I counted in average, and I'm really happy, but I barely made it into the 7 area. So, I think the next criteria D or B I think?, I should try my best to get full marks. This year it counts last term and this terms as well, which is what makes it harder, but also easier. That is because if you get one grade bad it could effect you for the whole year, yet if you normally not get a 6 and you got one in the first term or something, it could higher your grade. So for criteria D i got a 4 and that effected criteria D a lot. What I can do myself, is to try my best, and review daily, so I can remember all information to the fullest. Knowing information helps because at the time of a test or whatever, if I know the information, I can think of a way to use it to support my statements or thoughts.

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